Mutual Fund Registration

Mutual Fund Registration

A mutual fund is a financial instrument that pools money from various investors to invest in securities like government bonds, corporate bonds, stocks, and shares of listed companies. The profits or losses from these investments are shared among the investors. Managed by professional managers from Asset Management Companies (AMCs) approved by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), mutual funds are subject to strict regulatory oversight to protect investor interests.

Types of Mutual Funds

  1. Open-Ended Mutual Funds
    These funds do not have a lock-in period or maturity date, allowing continuous investments and redemptions. They are ideal for investors seeking liquidity.
  2. Closed-Ended Mutual Funds
    Closed-ended funds have a specified lock-in period. Investors can only buy into these funds during the New Fund Offer (NFO) period, and they can redeem their investments only after the lock-in period expires.
  3. Interval Mutual Funds
    This type allows trading of units at pre-defined intervals, combining the features of both open-ended and closed-ended funds.

Prerequisites for Mutual Fund Registration with SEBI

To register a mutual fund with SEBI, applicants must meet several requirements:

  • Legal Structure: Mutual funds must be registered as trusts under the Indian Trust Act, 1881.
  • Asset Management Company: An AMC with a minimum net worth of ?5 crores must be established separately.
  • Experience: Applicants must have at least 5 years of experience in financial services and a positive net worth.
  • Fit and Proper Criteria: Applicants must meet SEBI's fit and proper criteria, ensuring sound business operations.
  • Capital Contribution: A sponsor must contribute at least 40% towards the net worth of the AMC.
  • Custodian Appointment: Appoint a custodian as per regulations for the custody of assets.

Required Documents for Mutual Fund Registration

The following documents are required for the registration of mutual funds with SEBI:

  • List of associated companies and their registration numbers.
  • Declaration of any violations or regulatory actions against sponsors or associated companies.
  • Two sets of the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA) for the AMC and Trustee Company.
  • Auditor’s certificate confirming the sponsor’s capital contribution and the AMC’s net worth.
  • Trust Deed and Investment Management Agreement copies.
  • Business plan and infrastructure details of the AMC.
  • Undertaking from the sponsor to provide additional capital until the AMC breakeven.

It is crucial to provide all required information within 30 days of SEBI's communication; otherwise, the application may be closed.

Procedure for Mutual Fund Registration with SEBI

  1. Application Filing: Complete and submit Form A for registration.
  2. Document Submission: Submit the application along with necessary documents and payment of fees as per SEBI regulations.
  3. Application Scrutiny: SEBI will scrutinize the application and documents, verifying compliance.
  4. Registration Certificate: Upon satisfying all requirements, SEBI will issue a registration certificate.

Annual Fees for Mutual Funds

Mutual funds must pay an annual fee before April 15 each year based on their Average Assets Under Management (AAUM):

  • AAUM up to ?10,000 crore: 0.0015% of AAUM
  • AAUM above ?10,000 crore: 0.0010% of the excess portion
  • Minimum Fee: ?2,50,000
  • Maximum Fee: ?1,00,00,000

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Frequently Asked Questions

A mutual fund pools money from various investors and is managed by a fund manager who invests in securities for the benefit of the investors.

NAV is calculated by subtracting liabilities from total assets and dividing by the number of outstanding units.

It contains details of mutual fund schemes offered to the public by the AMC for investment.

Yes, NRIs can invest in mutual funds through various schemes outlined in the Scheme Offer Document.

The process typically takes around 21 days, depending on the accuracy of the submitted application.