Fla Return Compliance

FLA Return Compliance

The Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) Return is a critical annual report mandated for Indian companies, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), and various entities that either receive or make Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) or Overseas Direct Investments (ODI). This reporting requirement is governed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA). The FLA Return serves to collect comprehensive data on foreign liabilities and assets as reflected in the financial statements of these entities.

At Compliance Calendar LLP, we specialize in providing expert assistance to help Indian companies and LLPs navigate the complexities of FLA Return filings efficiently.

Understanding the FLA Return

The FLA Return is essential for tracking foreign investments in India and abroad. By mandating this return, the RBI can monitor the flow of foreign funds, ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework. The report helps maintain transparency in international financial transactions and provides insights into India's foreign investment landscape.

Applicability of the FLA Return

The FLA Return must be filed by a variety of entities, including:

  1. Companies under the Companies Act, 2013
  2. Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) formed under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  3. Other organizations engaged in FDI or ODI activities, such as:
    • SEBI-registered Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)
    • Partnership firms
    • Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Non-Applicability of the FLA Return

The requirement to file the FLA Return does not apply under the following conditions:

  • The entity has not received FDI or made any overseas investments in the current or previous years.
  • The foreign investment is limited to sharing application money without any outstanding FDI or ODI by the end of March of the reporting year.
  • Non-resident shareholders sold their shares to residents within the reporting period, and the entity has only issued shares to non-residents.

Information Required for Filing FLA Return

The RBI has structured the FLA Return into five distinct sections, each capturing crucial information about foreign liabilities and assets:

Section I – Identification Particulars

This section includes:

  • Prefilled Information: Company name, PAN, CIN, and contact email are auto-filled after successful user registration.
  • Contact Details: Information about the contact person, including name, phone number, and email.
  • NIC Code: Use National Industrial Classification (NIC) codes to specify industry activities.
  • Company Specifics: Indicate whether the company is an Asset Management Company or has conducted any business activity in the last financial year.

Section II – Financial Details

This section captures:

  • Capital: Total paid-up capital, distinguishing between participating and non-participating share capital.
  • Profit and Loss Account: Details on profit/loss before and after tax and dividends issued.
  • Reserves & Surplus: Separate reporting of reserves and surplus figures.
  • Sales and Purchases: Include domestic and foreign sales and purchases.
  • Employee Information: State the number of employees on the payroll.

Section III – Foreign Liabilities

Entities must disclose:

  • FDI in India: Details on foreign direct investors, equity holdings, and liabilities to direct investors.
  • Portfolio Investment in India: Specify equity and debt securities held by non-resident investors.
  • Other Liabilities: Report financial liabilities to foreign parties, excluding domestic liabilities.

Section IV – Foreign Assets

This section includes:

  • Overseas Direct Investment (ODI): Information on Direct Investment Enterprises abroad.
  • Debt Securities and Portfolio Investment Abroad: Include investments in money market instruments and bonds.
  • Other Assets: Report financial assets with foreign unrelated parties.

Section V – Variation Report

This section auto-generates a comparison of the current year's data with the previous year, highlighting any significant variations.

Procedure for FLA Return Filings

Since June 2019, the FLA Return submission process has transitioned to a web-based system. Here’s a step-by-step guide for filing through the FLAIR portal:

Setting Up a Business User in FLAIR Portal

  1. Access the FLAIR Portal: Visit the official FLAIR portal.
  2. Register as a New Entity User: Click on the “Registration Form for New Entity User” link.
  3. Fill in Entity Details: Provide comprehensive information, including CIN, PAN, and registered address.
  4. Authorised Person’s Information: Input details of the authorized person, including their name and PAN.
  5. Upload Documents: Attach necessary documents, including a verification letter and PAN cards.

Preparing and Submitting the FLA Return

  1. Create and Verify Business User: After registration, log in to prepare the FLA return.
  2. Review and Submit: Download, review for accuracy, and submit the FLA return online through the FLAIR portal.

After Submission

Upon successful submission, the FLAIR portal generates an acknowledgment confirming that the FLA return has been processed for the year.

Important Notes for FLA Return Filing

  • Ensure that the registered email ID is accurate, as it will receive the password and OTP for login.
  • If there are changes to the entity’s email ID or name during the reporting period, deactivate the current account and create a new one.
  • If the CIN remains unchanged, previously entered data will populate the new account, making the update process easier.
  • Download a draft of the FLA return before final submission to ensure all information is accurate and complete.

How Compliance Calendar LLP Can Help

At Compliance Calendar LLP, we provide comprehensive assistance throughout the FLA Return filing process. Our experts ensure that your submission is timely and accurate, helping you navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance effortlessly.

Due Date for Filing FLA Return

The FLA Return must be filed by July 15th every year. In cases where accounts are not audited by this date, entities can file using unaudited or provisional figures. If the audited accounts are available later, a revised FLA Return must be submitted by September 30th of the same year.

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Penalties for Late Filing of FLA Return

Failing to file the FLA Return on time can lead to significant penalties under FEMA:

  • Late Submission Fee (LSF): If the FLA Return is not submitted by the due date, a fee of INR 7,500 may be imposed.
  • Penalties for Violations: Failure to file or providing false information can result in severe penalties, including:
    • Monetary Penalty: Up to 300% of the amount involved in the violation or a minimum of INR 2 Lakh if the violation amount cannot be quantified.
    • Continued Non-compliance: A daily penalty of INR 5,000 for each day the violation persists after the first day.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The FLA Return is an annual submission required for Indian entities involved in FDI or ODI activities.

Indian companies, LLPs, SEBI-registered AIFs, partnership firms, and PPPs engaged in FDI or ODI must file the FLA Return.

The FLA Return is due by July 15th every year.

You should file the FLA Return using unaudited figures and submit a revised return by September 30th if audited later.

A Late Submission Fee (LSF) of INR 7,500 may apply for late filings.

Penalties can reach 300% of the violation amount, with additional daily penalties of INR 5,000 for continued non-compliance.

You will need to provide details on foreign liabilities and assets, including financial details, FDI, ODI, and other foreign investments.

The FLA Return is submitted online via the FLAIR portal.