FCRA Registration

FCRA Registration

Let Compliance Calendar LLP help you in FCRA Registration!

(Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 with Ministry of Home Affairs) 

All NGOs (be it a Trust, Society or Section 8 Company) must apply for FCRA License if they wish to attract foreign donation in their NGOs. Without FCRA Certificate, no NGO can accept overseas donations/grants/funding.

The objective of FCRA registration is to legalize the receipt of any foreign contribution by any Trust, Society or Section 8 for ensuring the proper utilization of such funds for the specified purpose. The registration service is provided by https://fcraonline.nic.in/home/index.aspx under the aegis of Ministry of Home Affairs.

Charitable Trusts, Societies and Section 8 Company that receive foreign contribution or donation from foreign sources are required to obtain registration under Section 6(1) of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010. The FCRA Registration makes such NGO eligible to receive such overseas donation or funding and its registration is done under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 which is called as FCRA registration.

Every NGO which has to receive some funds in terms of donation from a foreign source must get itself registered under the provisions of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 or seek prior approval for receiving such funds from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

Presently registration is granted only to those NGOs which is operational for minimum three years. Therefore, a newly established NGO cannot get itself registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010. However, newly established NGOs may receive donations from a foreign source for some specific activities, and for a specific purpose after seeking prior permission from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Know more about FCRA Registration with the support of our experienced Compliance Managers at Compliance Calendar LLP.

 If you want us to help you understand Registration under 80G and 12A for your NGOs,

 Get in touch with us now.

Documents Required for FCRA Registration

To register your NGO under FCRA, we require certain fixed documents whose quick checklist has been given below for your easy understanding:

  • Copy of PAN of the NGO;
  • Audited Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure Account for the preceding three financial year;
  • Certified copy of Trust Deed/Society Registration Certificate and its Bye Laws/Certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum and Articles of Association of a Section 8 Company;
  • Name & Addresses of the persons managing the affairs of the NGO including the details of previous management;
  • If the NGO is granted 80G & 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961, copy of such registration certificate;
  • If the NGO is having any parent of sister NGO, which has FCRA Registration then such registration number along with the file number of the Ministry of Home Affairs;
  • If the NGO has made any application earlier then its reference number;
  • NITI Ayog registration certificate.
  • Undertaking from the Chief Functionary of the NGO;
  • Annual report providing details of activities undertaken by the NGO since its inception;
  • Copy of resolution of Governing Body of the NGO; and
  • A Power of Attorney for authorizing CCL to submit application and liaison with officials of Ministry of Home Affairs.

Procedure for Online FCRA Registration in India

Since FCRA Registration is completely a legal procedure, we at Compliance Calendar LLP can help you to register your NGO under FCRA if you are struggling to get proper guidance with regard to its legal registration process.

You can Get in touch with our Compliance Manager to understand FCRA Registration, compliance requirements including guidance with regard to their functioning and day-to-day operation, be it maintaining accounts, meeting legal compliance or making sure all the mandatory requirements of the law are fulfilled to save you from the severe fines, penalties and imprisonment due to non-compliance.

Get in touch with us now to give you a Quotation and Proposal.

Send us your queries at info@ccoffice.in or WhatsApp/Call us at +91 99 88 42 42 11.

Features & Benefits

  1. Foreign Donors:

The NGO gets the eligibility to receive donations from overseas countries.

  1. Big Goodwill:

NGO being a non-profit organization, they leverage the opportunity of receiving foreign donations and this way, the NGO gets international goodwill.

  1. Value Addition to NGOs:

An NGO FCRA Registration have more value in the eyes of the society.

  1. International Footprints:

Any Charitable Trusts, Societies and Section 8 Company gets international footprints once it starts getting foreign funding due to its FCRA Registration.

We at Compliance Calendar LLP can prepare all necessary documents including application forms etc. to help you get your NGO registered under FCRA. To get quote for your NGO in FCRA Registration, Get in touch with us now.

Have Queries? Talk to us!


Frequently Asked Questions

NGOs must apply for FCRA Certificate to receive foreign donations in India.

Normal time is up to three months. However, the same can go up to six months.

Depends. If the NGO wants to have Overseas Donors then it is must to have FCRA Registration and vice-versa for NGOs.

Yes. Our Compliance Manger will be there to assist you in the complete procedure of FCRA Registration.

An NGO is allowed receive foreign donations only when FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976) registration has been obtained from Ministry of Home Affairs. FCRA license is normally applied when the Society is minimum 3 years older (in exceptional cases can be allowed-T&C.)

Not to worry at all! Someone from our experienced team will resolve all your queries. Our Compliance Manager will help you to give you the best advice without any fees. Get in touch with us. Write to us at info@ccoffice.in or WhatsApp/Call us +91 99 88 42 42 11.