XYZ Pvt. Ltd. entered into a Collision agreement with an NPO to uplift their business, decrease liabilities and increase profits. But today it's been 3+ years since they were stuck in a civil litigation battle often paying high solicitor fees and court fees. Do you know why? The agreement simply lacked the ADR clause resulting not only in financial loss but also mental torcher to both of the parties.
Wait! Are you also a business holder, an advocate, a startup founder, a company person, or someone stuck with litigation issues, or an enthusiast? Then you came to the right place. We are sure you will not return empty-handed. We will help find all your answers here and let you return with deep satisfaction.
Oho! We know you tried and will always try your best to avoid getting stuck into any litigation or legal battle like the one mentioned above. If you are stuck in a suit already don’t worry, we know it wasn't your fault. Do you know? As per a survey out of 10 people only 1 person knows the importance of Good Legal Drafting or Good Legal Vetting. Very few people indeed pay attention to the fact that “Lack or fault of even a single letter, word, clause from the Legal Draft/ Agreement can change the game”.
Like the above companies, are you too stuck in a never-ending litigation limbo even after being backed by your legal team? Is your company suffering badly?
Banging your head at Courts Door, regretting and overthinking your fault or reasons for your company, organization, firm, etc. being stuck in a litigation suit won't do. Rather you must take the initiative to make yourself aware of the importance and value of Good Drafting and Vetting in Legal Agreements. It is often said that Drafting is as important a tool to an Advocate, Judge, Firm, or Company as sward to soldier, knife to a cook, scissor to a tailor, and words to a writer.
Worry Not! We at Compliance Calendar make sure to educate you and make you aware of everything you are keen to know about Legal Drafting and Legal Vetting through Learn Section.
What is Legal Drafting or Legal Vetting?
The word “Legal Drafting or Legal Vetting” sounds so simple as if directing towards a single task of “drafting something legal using laws.” Isn't it? But it's not that straight. When we talk about legal drafting or Legal vetting it may mean any of the following:
-Case Brief
-Writ, Report, etc.
Have you been looking for someone who can do Legal Drafting or Legal Vetting for you? We know you have been looking for someone more experienced, professional yet flexible, and friendly. Don't Worry, we always have your back protected. You can send your Draft or email your requirement or approach us through: We will try to help you out in the fastest, cheapest, and most convenient way.
What is Legal Drafting all about?
Legal Drafting is not as simple as putting words on paper. Rather it requires compilation of the following things and then to be written on a paper:
1. The skill of inserting the correct words that create rights, liabilities & duties.
2. The addition of underlying laws, statutes, rules, regulations, bylaws, ordinances, constitution, acts, etc.,
3. Marking of landmark judgments or stances or opinions.
4. The correct approach to represent a client.
5. The polished skill of negotiation.
6. The deep strategy to defend.
7. Preparing the master plan to twist the situation.
8. Finally, to ready the blueprint of flawlessness.
We know you are looking for the flawless, cheapest, and most convenient vetting service. As we promised we would do your vetting online and charge you the cheapest.
The Origin: We believe Spoken words fly away, written words remain
Did you know “Why in the Legal field do we pay more importance to written things than words?”, “Why is something written and sanctioned by law more valuable than oral words or promises or judgments or delegations”?
It was even before 600 B.C that the importance of written words over oral words was recognized by the eminent Jurist and Senator Caius Titus while addressing the Roman senate.
He pronounced the following proverb while giving the speech, “Verba volant, Scripta manent “literally meaning "spoken words fly away, written words remain". Hence, over the period people across the globe tried and tested different methods but the result came up to be the same recognizing the authenticity of written words more valuable than oral. So, it comes to the present day that now in the Legal Field we are bound by the maxim marking the importance of written words. But it's also to be noted that works that were written are only valuable and important if they are correct.
Now the question is “what are the important elements to be kept in mind while Drafting a Good Legal draft or Legal Vetting?”
The answer to the above questions requires the intertwining of more than four-five concepts. But to keep things clear for you let's just peep through the compilation of some important elements to be kept in mind while Legal drafting or Legal Vetting to make it Good.
Important Elements to be kept in mind while Good Legal drafting or Legal Vetting:
1. Correctness: The law, rules, statutes, provisions, articles, sections, constitution, By-laws, ordinances, judgments, facts, issues, arguments, clauses, dates, data, etc. should be correctly mentioned and reviewed at least two three times before submission.
2. Accountable: The Draft is incomplete without important things like Judicial stamps, Signatures, Affidavits, Annexures, Proofs, registration certificates, case number, petition number, diary number, entry number, item number, non-Judicial stamps, self-declarations, witness attestation, etc. Hence, a checklist should be prepared so that none of the important attestations is missed out leading to an improper Draft.
3. Simplicity: The language used should be simple, formal, correct, confined, and precise to its nature. Avoid using casual language and giving irrelevant context. The language should be written logically so that it can be interpreted correctly.
4. Accuracy: The facts, issues, laws, should not only be correct but also should be written as per the format and in chronological order. It's also important to define certain provisions if required. The document should not seem fictitious, it should contain real facts, circumstances, and feasibility.
5. Review: Cross-checking is something that makes your “A Draft”, “The Good Draft”. At least review your document 2-3 times for a minimum.
Many of you must be thinking we got those free legal drafting websites and Legal Vetting websites on google. yes! I can do it all by myself. Let me ask you. Are you fooling us or to yourself? It would be so stupid to think you could do all these heavy compilations, writings, document attestation, stamping, inserting, reviewing of the document by yourself. Even if you can (Advocates/Judges) still, you need reviewing and Legal vetting for flawlessness
You don't need to mention what we already know. We come as your friend to help you out. You can reach us anytime with your requirement at | Phone Number: 9988424211 (WhatsApp/call)
Yaa! We understand your curiosity to get an answer to some more of your questions. Don't worry we always walk extra miles for you. Do read the FAQ section to get an answer to some more of your questions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Who all should pay attention to Legal Drafting and Legal Vetting?
Ans. The importance of Legal Vetting and Legal Vetting must be recognized by following:
-Law students
-Anyone stuck in a litigation battle
2. Whom should we approach for Legal Drafting or Legal Vetting?
Ans. You can approach any Advocate, or firm, or legal company offering legal drafting and legal vetting. But it is to be kept in mind that involvement of an advocate or firm requires or company would lead to a vast amount of solicitor fees or firm fees with them fully benign involved in your matter with zero friendly approaches. They won't do just drafting for you but would take over the whole case.
But don't worry if you are looking for an independent Good Legal Drafter or Legal Vetting service, we provide you with the fastest, cheapest, flawless, and to the notch work. Click here to know more.
3. Does Compliance Calendar look after the legal Draft review as well ?
Ans. We at Compliance Calendar provide online Legal Draft Reviewing or Legal Vetting service we at We provide you with the fastest, cheapest, flawless, and to the notch service. You can mail your draft to and someone from our team will get in touch with you.
4. How much Compliance Calendar Charge for Legal Vetting or Legal Drafting?
Ans. The service charges are variable in nature and depends of the quantum of work to be done. It is to be noted that we don't charge a similar amount for every work. The amount would vary from service to service depending on factors like efforts required, the length of the work, and time spent on completion. To know more, please get in touch with us with the correct details of your business. You will be approached by our Compliance calendar Team within 24-48 hrs.